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Its nice to see another game appreicate the difference between being alone and being lonely, thanks for a great experience


Hey there!

This game looks amazing from the screenshots and I've been wondering whether it'd be possible to have a linux version in the future?


not planning on it, sorry!

(1 edit)

Just a question

What happened to the Linux build that was offered to willing testers over e-mail a couple of years ago?

Did it work badly on Linux?


Beautiful, beautiful game that might mean a lot more or less to you based on your current life situation. Its is another text heavy story game, just keep that in mind. It is the usual exercise in slowing down, but it is also a very introspective look at our perspective, our priorities, shortcomings, loneliness, friends, nature, life goals... I could make this list endless, but for me it very closely resembles an experience and decision I recently made and has supported me in that decision for which I am very thankful. Thank you Laura, thank you Mr. Stag and even you, striped demon. 4,5/5

More Racial Justice bundle impressions and ranking:


For me, I adored this game in the beginning. The situation was unique, the conversation that ensued felt natural but at the same time very interesting. It was cute in a way, and there were moments where I felt genuine sympathy for the protagonist. However as the game drew on, it started to seem more and more "artsy." Although when knocking at death's door, you have to start thinking about the more absurd things about life. But because of this, the game's pace slowed more than it already did, and became really boring. It was hard to finish. I enjoyed the game regardless.


(2 edits) (+8)(-20)

The artwork is just about the only redeeming thing about this game, if you can even call it that. Senseless dialogue crawls by that leads to a very unsatisfying finish.

Visuals - 5/5 - For what it's worth, this game is very pretty. The mostly rigid view has many subtle and beautiful changes that wow. The artist did well to play with the light as the game progresses, and it was a real treat to bask in it while I played.

Story - 1.5/5 - Unfortunately, the dialogue felt like a hodgepodge of words thrown together by a sixteen year old who at one moment is trying to use every inch of his vocabulary and the next reverting to slang. It somehow successfully manages to appear introspective while remaining largely uninspiring. Throwing in my most hated ending trope felt like the author laughing in my face for wasting my time getting to that point.

Mechanics - 3.5/5 - Fine.

Sound - 3/5 - It certainly fits the setting, which is why I decided to rate it above average. I enjoyed the rainstorm music the most, but it really takes a backseat to the dialogue, a mistake in my opinion.

Overall - 1.5/5   Difficulty - N/A

Completed - Playthrough (1 hr)


This is the most constructed unconstructive criticism I've ever seen


Lovely, with great presentation.  

If anything, I felt the dialogue went on a bit over-long, with the protagonist repeatedly failing to grasp the point of their conversation and resetting every time a new animal appeared.  But that's just a small annoyance with a lovely bit of art.

This was such a beautiful rendition of what ought to be an urgent, terrifying moment into a slow, appreciative place for introspection. Everything is all at once made meaningful and meaningless at an odd crossroads in space, time, and choices.


This game makes me feel better about what meaningless means

This is simply beautiful, it changed my perspective about a lot of subjects <3 thank you

this is such a beautiful game, i got it in the blm bundle and its already one of my all time favourites !


this was so utterly beautiful. thank you for making this.

Beautiful and heartwarming game. Brings me back to my chidlhood and stargazing without a care in the world! <3

(1 edit) (+1)

A thoughtful and beautiful game, such original design. The constellations my favorite part.

This game made me cry. I'm going to go to bed now.


Do you have any plans to port this to linux?


Really enjoyed the game. The conversations seemed to flow more naturally than in probably any other branching dialogue game I've ever played. Even AAA ones. Much like someone else here, I didn't read the synopsis before I started playing so I had no idea that you were going to be balancing on the edge of a cliff. Streamed my first playthrough. After playing it I wished I hadn't (streamed it). I just feel it was more a personal experience than one best shared with others. I found myself a bit melencholy and introspective the longer the game went on. I'd highly recommend this to anyone who wants a thought provoking, narrative driven game with a great conversation system. It'll help you to ponder some things you otherwise might never think about. Great game. Thanks.

I liked this! A very lovely, solid experience.


It really is such a beautiful game in its simplicity. There's no physical journey but in its place is an emotional one which occurs through a simple conversation. The graphics and visuals accompanied by the soundtrack are really immersive and enjoyable, good amount of humour is included throughout, and the ending is vague and somehow satisfying at the same time! :)


my computer doesnt like running this game, but it almost suits the slow nature of the game.

if i were to tell someone what my experience with nature and spirituality was like, i think i'd give them this game. i describe peace and connection and joy as pink static floating around in my chest, and the entire time this game gave me that exact feeling. the MC could be a little bit brash for me sometimes, but otherwise i felt like i was having a conversation with an old friend.

sometimes, we just need to be far from noise to find the quiet we were missing.


It's a beautiful game. It games me a heart attack in the first few minutes of the game (Technically I didn't read the summary saying MC will be balancing on the edge of a cliff) but later on it was so calming. I could look at the scenery for a long time.... The ending was great. I didn't expect it to end like that.

A truly beautiful game.


This game is absolutely stunning, first and foremost. You’re locked into a conversation with yourself for the first portion and then have a little help from an animal friend in the latter half. The conversation(s) you have flow very naturally and veer into territory that is very up my alley as an English major and failed poet.

There’s gotta be infinite ways for these conversations to go and many different endings or conclusions depending on your choices. I won’t spoil anything, but the only ending I’ve played thus far was rather ambiguous and I loved it; ending with an embrace of ambiguity and uncertainty is quintessentially me.


I've never played a game that had me so consistently on the verge of tears, in such a cathartic way.


Lovely, quiet game about a conversation. My playthrough took maybe three hours.

What a wonderful game. I passed over it a few times before downloading, and I'm very glad I did. The story is engaging, the atmosphere and environment is capitivating and beautiful. The dialog feels very natural. Great job.

An engaging narrative experience that runs for just over an hour and manages to captivate with it's characters despite throwing the 'show and not tell' rule off a cliff. One of the best examples of dialogue I've seen in a game.


A small, lovely game about a conversation on the edge of a cliff. I would recommend it to anyone who likes quiet, contemplative text-based games. The visuals are lovely and relaxing, the stakes of the plot got me invested, and the sound design was great. I played it for about two hours and I could see myself getting in the mood to play it again at some point and take other conversation paths. I bought this game as part of a charity bundle and it was well worth that cost, and I think it would be worth its standard cost (~$8.00) as well. Consider purchasing to support this developer! 

as of writing this, i have only finished one playthrough, but i've decided to save my next for the next time i need something soothing and cathartic. i haven't experienced something like this game in quite a long time. it hit me in a way i both didn't know would affect me so strongly, and didn't know i desperately needed. i'm eagerly looking forward to what you make next. thank you so much!


This is the most beautiful, thoughtful, contemplative game I've played in a long time. I played it this morning and I've been thinking about it all day. There's so many things here that I love: the gorgeous visuals, the lovely music, and especially the dialogue. I really appreciate how realistic the dialogue is– there were multiple times when one of my choices was something I was actually thinking. It so smoothly transitioned between being funny, introspective and fretting over seemingly impending doom. It wasn't long at all before I was completely immersed in the story. And the ending that I got was just… it was one of those endings that sticks with you, y'know? Like when you read an amazing book, and you've been through this whole adventure, and then it comes to its neatly tied up open ending, and it leaves you sitting there, thinking about everything you've been through with the characters since starting the book. 10/10 from me. I hope Far from Noise gets as much attention as it deserves.

so how do i get the steam key after purchasing it as a bundle? Is there no way to play this? I'm new to this sorry lol

no steam keys.

just click on download and play


Hi there! Is there any way to request a steam key after purchasing? When I go to the download page, it does't give me the option to do so. Is this because I received this game as part of a bundle? Thanks in advance!


If you purchased it as part of the Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality then you don't get a Steam key.

Thanks for letting me know!


I just finished my first playthrough and I am in love! The soundtrack and visuals alone are enough to make me emotional, let alone the conversational elements. I loved the insight from the game about life and choices, it was really what I needed. And I love that I can play again with different choices.


This one made me CRY. 2 hours which felt very emotionally loaded and experiential.

oh great! I remember playing this, totally hooked, at AMAZE festival while surrounded by crazy party people :D


With the undoubted influx of 'players' with this being in the bundle, would you please consider renaming your download files to "" and ""
I imagine others will do as I have and download a bunch in bulk, and having a "" file isn't helpful

Having said all that, judging from the reviews and comments, I'm REALLY looking forward to playing


No worries, that's done.

Any chance this game is getting a Portuguese version? I would LOVE to recommend it to a couple of Brazilian friends! Either way, it was a beautiful experience!!

Sorryyy this came out 2 years ago and I haven't got any plans to revisit with localisations.

This was a good game.  I say that as the highest compliment.  I have a wonderful sense of relaxation during and after playing, and had good chuckles and laughs while playing.  And the graphics were beautiful: especially the scenery.


Sometimes I couldn't quite make the conversation option I wanted to, but that wasn't too often.

(copying and pasting this from my review since I guess reviews and comments are separate!)

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