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Hey any chance to get it updated for mac?? I cant play it :( 

Working on it! Hopefully later today.

thank you!


Just released an update, lemme know if it still doesn't work.

Just mildly hijacking this thread to ask that you rename the versions to include "Far from Noise" in the file names
Having downloaded game files in bulk from the bundle, it would make it easier to find afterwards =]

I Guess Stag was just there for me and in me


This was a beautiful, touching, moving experience.

Howdy! I'm excited to play this game on my mac, but looks like it needs to be updated? I'm getting this message on my macbook pro with Catalina:

"The developer of this app needs to update it to work with this version of macOS. Contact the developer for more information."

oh dear! thanks for letting me know, I'll update it this weekend

hooray! Thanks so much :)

This is up now :)

You're the best!! Thank you!

i just finished my first playthrough of the game, and i can honestly say i'm speechless. the graphics, the dialogue and storytelling, all wrapped up by the ambient soundtrack; so many emotions are elicited over the course of even a single version of the plot. the choices made on what to say, what not to say, not only guide the story but how you feel about your own story. the game is very though-provoking, and to say the least, it's absolutely beautiful. thank you for making this game and sharing it. cheers!

Is there a way to play this in windowed mode?

Beautiful art style 

please..KOREAN Language....!!!!!

*Finishes the game*



Would defenitly test on linux :D I'll shoot you a mail!


No Linux T_T


I've never been able to test on Linux so I didn't want to upload a version I'm unsure about.

I could build it and send you a free copy if you wanna test it out?

Send me an email if you fancy it:


I already bought your  game ^^

I can play it on Windows :)

But a Linux version would be nice...look at your mails.


Worked great with wine for me.

(1 edit)

Did you use Proton or Lutris or else did it just straight up work?


I just used regular old wine. Installed it through my OS package manager.

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